Seven Signs You Are Consuming Too Much Sugar You Probably Don't Know

How much sugar is too much for your body? below is 7 ways your body might be telling you your sugar intake is becoming excessive.

1.Higher Incidence of Acne on Your Skin

Eating too much sugar tends to wreak havoc on your skin. There is a relationship between a high-sugar diet and severe acne and a high sugar intake tends to result in severe acne issues.

2.Experiencing Energy Slumps

Especially after eating sugary foods lacking in satiating proteins, fiber and fat, you are likely to develop a pounding headache or feel extremely lethargic. This is because a high sugar diet, rather than a balanced nutritious diet, makes your blood sugar level unstable, with you constantly switching from ‘sugary high’ to ‘lethargic low’. You end up feeling very weak and sluggish throughout the day.


Cavities are more often than not, a glaring sign of a sweet tooth. Cavities are painful and more importantly avoidable, and the key to avoiding them is to brush your teeth well after meals and eat foods that will keep your teeth healthy.

4.High Blood Pressure

One of the factors that contribute to a diagnosis of high blood pressure is a high-sugar diet. A high-sugar diet can push your blood pressure off the normal threshold. Limiting sugar intake is just as important as reducing your sodium consumption when it comes to a healthy blood pressure.

5.Exercising is Getting Extremely Hard for You

Whether fat, chubby or even thin, if exercise seems to be getting harder and harder for you to do, a high-sugar diet might be to blame. If you  have a high blood sugar level and engage in activities that involve intense effort or physical extension, you’ll likely end up feeling very fatigued and quite miserable. You also tend to get exhausted very easily and quickly while exercising.

6.Weight Gain

Weight gain can be caused by a number of different factors and one of those factors is a high sugar diet. This is because a high sugar diet does not make you feel full (which makes you eat more) and does not compensate for total energy, that is, they do not displace other foods, so they add to your total calorie intake. A high sugar diet also tends to make exercise or physical activity hard, so it’s unlikely you’ll be able to burn off the excess calories through that route.

7.Nothing Tastes As Sweet As It Used To

Eating too much sugar basically bombards your taste buds and eventually this excessive sugar intake causes your taste bud sugar tolerance to build up and increase, as a result you need more and more sugar to satisfy your sweet craving. This is bad and you should at this point cut back (regardless of how tough it might be at first), so that you can lower your tolerance and once again be content and satisfied with minimal sugar.
Seven Signs You Are Consuming Too Much Sugar You Probably Don't Know Seven Signs You Are Consuming Too Much Sugar You Probably Don't Know Reviewed by Terkuma John on May 07, 2017 Rating: 5

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